How to prepare for your IPL HAIR REMOVAL session.
Before Care
Do not tan or expose the treatment area to much sunlight 2 weeks prior to procedure, especially in the few days prior.
* Please do a close shave the treatment area the day before or day of the procedure.
* Discontinue using retinol on the treatment area 3 days prior.
No perfume, lotion or cologne on the treatment area prior to procedure.
No waxing, threading, tweezing or use of any chemical depilatories or bleach on the area at least 3 weeks before or while undergoing the treatment sessions.
After Care
No exposure to sunlight for 1-2 days. Use sunblock SPF 30+ and reapply every 2 hours.
Discontinue use of deodorants, perfumes, perfumed lotions, colognes or any cream that may irritate the treatment area for 1-2 days.
After 5 days start to exfoliate the area to help along the process.
If you’ve had a Brazilian, please abstain from biking, sexual intercourse for 2 days as the friction + rubbing can irritate the area. (Sorry!)
Avoid any strenuous exercise that causes excessive sweating for 1-2 days.
Avoid hot baths, hot tubs, hot springs or swimming pools for 1-2 days.